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Bath and Dry
Dog Grooming Package

Premium deep wash with shampoo, conditioner and hand blown dry.

Large & Largest Breeds | £ 45

These types of breeds require the most resources and time.

  • New Foundlands

  • Saint Bernads

  • Italian Mastiff


Medium Breeds | £ 40

These Types of breeds are not as resource intense as the largest breeds which include:

  • Cockerpoo

  • Caverpoo 

  • Poodle

  • Mixed Breeds


Small Breeds | £ 30

These types of breeds are not as resource intense as the largest breeds which include:

  • West Highland Terrier

  • Cain Terrier

  • Scottish Terrier

  • Jack Russel


Toy Breeds | £ 25

These types of breeds are not as resource intense as the largest breeds which include:

  • Chihuahua Short Hair | 25

  • Chihuahua Long Hair | 40

  • Pomeranian | 40

  • Teacup Yorkshire Terrier | 40

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